Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #9 - Library-related Blogs/ News feeds

I am feeling completely overwhelmed by all of the information out on the web, and the variety of ways in which it is presented! I'm sure this gives a big hint as to my age-range, but it is exhausting to me to try and process all of this.
On the other hand, it is phenomenal to have all of this information at our fingertips, and I can certainly appreciate the value of that. My hope is that I can remember how to get back to Library2Play so that I can get back to the incredible websites. I know, I know - add them to Favorites and my Google Reader! Right now, I'm too overwhelmed to be able to even do that.
I really enjoyed reading the postings on the Cool Cat Teacher blog and I checked out a couple of really great postings by the Edublog award nominees for 2008. I also really enjoyed the Superglu site. I can see that pictures can really make a difference in the postings.
I found the Syndic8 and the Technorati sites a bit overwhelming for me, but I promise to go back and try them on a day when I haven't been looking at so many different things.

1 comment:

  1. yes, putting some of your new tools in your reader, etc. is a very good idea, but rest assured...the Library2Play link will always be available!
